Ukrainian flags are flying high in Waterloo Region as a show of support for the war torn country.
At A-1 Flags in Waterloo, flags of all countries but one can be found, except for one.
"I had two Ukraine flags at the beginning and those went right away," said owner Julia McMullam. "I ordered 20 more and then another 20 just to keep up with the demand."
Since the Russian invasion began, demand for the Ukrainian flag has increased and made it difficult for A-1 Flags to keep up.
"It's every day all day," said McMullam. "I would compare it to how busy we are in June and July leading up to Canada Day."
At Hometex Flags in Kitchener, general manager Madine Kautsky says they typically sell a few Ukrainian flags a year.
"Ever since this, it's been multiple calls a day," said Kautsky. "We can't keep stock on the shelves or bring it in fast enough."
The general manager adds that they've been selling 10 flags a day and have 15 people on a growing waitlist.
"As the supply is diminishing, you're looking at a week turnaround," said Kautsky. "It could be even longer as the demand continues."
Rick Bergen is flying Ukrainian flags outside his home, but says he had to wait to get them.
"I was surprised that they said yes we have them and yes there's a big run on these flags," he said. "But if you're patient we should expect a supply shorty."
Bergen flies the blue and yellow flags in honour of his heritage and to show support for the war torn country.
"I thought one way of signifying how I felt and how we felt about the circumstances now is to show support for those people," he said. "The flag is one of the few things we can do."