KITCHENER -- Village Manor is no longer a licensed retirement home, but the St. Jacobs facility has a new name and continues to care for its elderly residents.
The Retirement Homes Regulatory Authority revoked Village Manor’s license after a series of alleged infractions. The inspection reports were later posted publicly on the regulatory body’s website. The concerns ranged from medication errors, to requesting and borrowing money from a resident, and not properly reporting or investigating allegations of sexual abuse.
Wesley Moore, the owner and operator of Village Manor, says no one in the home has ever been abused.
He initially appealed the decision to revoke the facility’s license, but in a phone interview with CTV News, Moore said he later chose to give up the license with the agreement of residents.
Even though it is no longer licensed, the home remains in operation as an “independent living facility.”
It also has a new name – St. Jacobs Country Living.
Moore says all the residents have decided to stay on at the facility and are thriving under doctor and family-centered care.
“In my experience, it is excellent there,” says Lisa Millar.
Her mother has lived in the home for almost two years. She’s staying in Carpenter House, which is run by the same operators.
Millar says she’s witnessed the individual, loving care the home has provided.
“Wes has stepped up to the plate. He has made it a home for my mother, not like the larger institutions which do not have that homey, caring feeling. I would recommend to anyone this home.”
Graham Webb, however, still has some reservations.
“I’m deeply concerned by the number of infractions, but also the range of infractions,” he says.
Webb is the Executive Director of the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly, and is also on the Retirement Home Regulatory Authority’s Stakeholder Advisory Council.
He says Village Manor, or St. Jacobs Country Living, is permitted to remain open as an independent living facility as long as they follow certain conditions.
The regulatory body says the home had to take all reasonable steps to help residents find new accommodations if they wanted to move, and it confirms the facility can continue to operate as some other form of rental housing.
A retirement home license is required if the facility has six or more residents, the majority of residents are over the age of 65, and at least two care services are offered.
Webb says that while homes are allowed to operate under these models, he does have concerns.
“If you’re living in a congregate setting that carries with it a lot of risks, because there is usually a very large power imbalance between the residential landlord and the tenant.”
He says that a retirement home license is important, as it helps provide checks and balances.