The federal government has granted the Grand River Conservation Authority $90,000 to undertake a flood mitigation study for New Hamburg.

The grant is expected to cover roughly 50 per cent of the project’s funding. The rest of the money for the $180,000 project will come from the GRCA’s land sale reserves, a press release says.

The GRCA applied for the National Disaster Mitigation Program funding in September 2018 as a result of flooding events.

“It is anticipated that the project will provide updated flood zone mapping for the area, an estimated average of annual flood damages, a preliminary review of potential options to mitigate flood risk along the Nith River in New Hamburg, and an initial cost-benefit analysis to determine the feasibility of potential options,” a statement from the GRCA says in part.

At least two public information sessions will be held in late spring or early summer as part of the study.

The NDMP was established in 2015 to help reduce the impact of natural disasters, providing up to half of funding for significant projects up to a maximum of $1.5 million.

It’s expected to run through March 2020.