Luke Van Nes has been sentenced to seven days in jail and two years of probation in connection with the beating death of a swan and the destruction of her eggs in May 2010.

Van Nes, 20, must also abstain from alcohol and accept counseling for alcohol abuse. In addition he is required to pay a $1,000 fine to the Environmental Damages Fund and perform 60 hours of community service.

The Crown had been seeking three months of jail time, while the defence suggested restorative justice would be appropriate in this case.

Judge George Brophy noted that Van Nes has been chastised in the community, and that while he was a good young man, what he did was an abhorrent act.

Gerry Burdett, Van Nes's lawyer, says his client is sorry for what happened.

Regarding the sentence Burdett adds, "It's fair. It's a short, sharp sentence, bringing a point home. I think alcohol is the problem and probably if he hadn't had the previous impaired on his record it might have been a little different again."

In September 2010, Van Nes pleaded guilty in the beating death of a swan named Angela and in the destruction of her nest of eggs.

The court heard that Van Nes and a friend had been drinking before going for a walk and coming across the nesting swan.

Before the sentencing, Van Nes issued an apology to the city and its residents, who have been disturbed by the incident.

Jacky Tiplady helped look after the swan, she says "I'm hoping this thing will now be resolved and the community can get back to enjoying our swans and hope that anything so devastatingly terrible and awful will never happen again in this community."

June Kinsmen also helped care for the swans, she says "There's thousands of people in this town who are still grieving what happened to Angela."