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Jeffrey Sloka continues testifying after more than five weeks on stand


The marathon trial of Jeffrey Sloka continued Friday at the Waterloo Region Courthouse.

The former Kitchener neurologist is facing 50 counts of sexual assault that allegedly occurred in his private practice at Grand River Hospital between 2010 and 2017.

Patient by patient, the Crown has gone over Sloka’s testimony.

On Friday, the court heard about three different patients who are accusing Sloka of sexual assault. Two of the allegations included patient visits that were conducted after regular office hours.

During one of the exchanges, Crown attorney Sidney McLean asked: “You asked to her to undress and get into a gown?”

“No, I did not,” Sloka replied.

McLean asked: “You asked her to lay down on the table?”

“No, I did not,” replied Sloka.

“You examined her breasts and abdominal area?”

“No, I did not.”

Next, McLean asked: “You put both hands on each breast?”

Once again, Sloka replied: “No, I did not.”

Finally, the Crown said: “You did sno in a massaging motion?”

“No, I did not,” answered Sloka.

Sloka has pleaded not guilty and denied many of the Crown’s suggestions Friday.

In another accusation, Sloka denied doing a mole test that was alleged in one of the patient’s testimony.

Both Sloka and the judge said the marathon testimony was exhausting. This case has been going on for several months already and Sloka has been on the stand for over five weeks.

The Crown indicated they will continue next week, the case will resume on Tuesday. Top Stories

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