Tempers flared in a Stratford courtroom Friday as lawyers debated the appropriate sentence for a Sebringville man described as a “respected member of the community.”

Thomas Luckhart, 55, pleaded guilty earlier this month to seven sex-related offences.

Court documents show that he sexually assaulted five young boys over a period of time ranging from 2003 to 2015.

In four of the cases, the victims considered Luckhart a family friend.

Court heard that the 55-year-old’s sexual assaults usually began with back scratches, before progressing into inappropriate touching.

Police weren’t tipped off to his activity until July 2015, when he sexually assaulted a boy whose parents had given him permission to do odd jobs for Luckhart.

The boy reported the incident to police hours after it occurred, prompting police to arrest Luckhart.

He has been in custody ever since.

In court Friday, Luckhart’s lawyer suggested that his client be sentenced to eight or nine months in jail, in addition to time already served.

The Crown countered with a submission of 21 months, plus time already served.

“Mr. Luckhart, you have done terrible things, criminal things,” Crown attorney Michael Murdoch told the court.

“It’s time to be punished.”

Before the hearing concluded, Luckhart stood and apologized to the families of his victims.

“You trusted me with your sons,” he said.

“I broke that trust.”

Fighting tears, Luckhart then turned to face his victims and their families – some of whom turned their backs on him, and some of whom yelled at him.

“Go to hell – you ruined my life,” said one victim.

A publication ban prevents the naming of Luckhart’s victims or any of their family members in relation to the case.

The judge is expected to deliver Luckhart’s sentence next Thursday.

Outside court, the uncle of one victim said that he hoped for a harsher sentence.

“We’ve got children here that are victims, and we don’t even really respond to it. We just say ‘Oh well, he didn’t really hurt them’ – but he did hurt them,” the man said.