The fire department and recreation services will see budget cuts, and North Dumfries residents will still have to pay an extra nine per cent in property taxes this year.
That’s the increase spoken of favourably by township councillors Tuesday night, and much lower than the 23 per cent increase initially proposed.
The increase is being blamed on a $750,000 hole auditors discovered in the township’s books.
“Everybody is well aware of what happened, and we are dealing with it,” Mayor Sue Foxton told CTV News.
“I don’t think there will be any more surprises.”
Councillors also suggested bringing in a consultant to help sort through the financial issues.
Foxton said she didn’t see a need for that.
“The region has already said they will help us in any way, shape or form, at no cost,” she said.
A municipal building will also be sold as part of the township’s cost-cutting.
For the average North Dumfries household, the tax increase works out to an extra $82.