We’re learning more about what will be closed and when for the streetscape project in uptown Waterloo. These details come from Eric Saunderson, senior project manager with the Region of Waterloo.
King Street – between Erb and Dupont streets
This stretch of road was supposed to be finished by late July. Now, the Region is saying it will be done by late July or early August.
The delay is due to wet weather and complications due to the age and condition of the water main, as well as coordination with other utilities.
Work on the boulevard will continue until the end of August.
When it’s finished, you’ll get a good sense of what the new streetscape will look like – but some touches, such as new streetlights and trees, won’t be in place yet.
King Street – between Erb and the ION tracks
This work doesn’t have a start date yet, but it’s expected to wrap up by the end of September.
Erb Street
Underground work on Erb is expected to begin mid-July, and utility work before that.
Erb between King and Caroline will be closed until late September.
Bridgeport Road will be converted to a two-way street between Albert and Regina in the meantime.
There’s no new info from the region on the following stretches, but the next part of the project will see King Street dug up from Bridgeport north to Central. That’s expected to be finished by November. The next phase of the project will extend from Central north to University Avenue, and that will happen in 2019.