Friday night marked the first major outdoor concert in Kitchener since the pandemic began.

Neighbour’s Day festivities got underway in Victoria Park with headline performances from Virginia to Vegas and Delaney Jane as well as special guests Reve and Amanda Kind.

Derik Baker, the artist known as Virginia to Vegas, grew up and attended high school just down Hwy. 7 in Guelph.

“I’m really excited to see him [Virginia to Vegas],” said attendee Victoria Kissoonchand. “It’s been so long since I’ve been able to go outside and hangout with people, so I’m excited to do that too.”

A lemonade stand was also set up at the event by Your Neighbourhood Credit Union (YNCU) in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association of Waterloo-Wellington.

“We’re going to be going around with our floating stage, we’re going to have a great time meeting some of our neighbours in the neighbourhood,” said Archie Bonifacio of YNCU. “We’ve been in Kitchener-Waterloo for 75 years and we’re thrilled to be apart of this.”

On Saturday, porches, driveways, and front lawns became stages, as musicians went into the city to turn a number of neighbourhoods into their venues.

"I love it," said one Kitchener resident. "It has brought everybody out of their houses after COVID and we're all mingling and getting to know each other.

"It's been a great afternoon. The sun is shining."

The event was free and featured performances by over 50 musicians.