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Woolwich mayor says time is right for long-awaited Elmira truck bypass route


Community leaders want to divert big trucks from downtown Elmira.

“We want to draw people into the downtown core and to have a place where people can gather, that's hard when you've got truck traffic coming up and down the street regularly,” Woolwich Mayor Sandy Shantz said.

According to her, a transport truck bypass route is the best available option.

“I've been working with the region since I was first elected on getting a bypass for Elmira,” Shantz explained.

There are already plans to redevelop Arthur Street, so the township said it only makes sense to also address the bigger issue.

“I would really like to see the region coordinate the reconstruction of our street with a potential study to look at what options we can have to divert some of this heavy truck traffic inside of our downtown core,” said Woolwich councillor Nathan Cadeau.

Since there’s no obvious bypass route, the township said serious road work would be required to make it happen and that would fall on the Region of Waterloo.

The region said the project is on its radar, but there is no indication when – or if – this project will go ahead.

In a statement they added: “The Region of Waterloo is currently working through an environmental assessment and detailing next steps. As a result of this work, we hope to launch public engagement on options to mitigate truck traffic in downtown Elmira in the fall.” Top Stories

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