Day six of the federal campaign is off to a busy start in Waterloo Region, with two party leaders making stops there.

The Liberal leader stopped by Sandowne Public School in Waterloo on Monday morning.

There, he announced new childcare measures that the Liberal party would put into place should they win the upcoming election.

Those include:

  • Creating up to 250,000 new after-school spaces for kids under 10;
  • Increasing options for parents who work overtime, late shifts or multipls jobs;
  • Lowering parents' fees by 10 per cent.

Following the announcement, Trudeau will make an appearance at an elementary school in London, followed by a rally in Windsor.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth May will visit both Kitchener and Guelph.

The Green Party of Canada leader is first expected at the House of Friendship in Kitchener at 2:30 p.m., followed by a stop at Kitchener-Centre Green Party Candidate Mike Morrice's office at 4 p.m.

Later in the evening, May is scheduled to canvas and attend a rally in Guelph at 7 p.m.

Elsewhere in the country, Conservative leader Andrew Scheer is campaigning in British Columbia, while NDP leader Jagmeet Singh is making stops in Quebec.