Testifying Tuesday at a murder trial in Guelph, Majorie Porter said she was the first person to discover the body of her sister-in-law.

Porter is the sister of Terry Tremble, who is accused of murdering his wife, Adrienne Roberts.

Roberts’ body was found Oct. 6, 2010, in the Arthur home she shared with Tremble.

Porter told the court she went to the home to pick up her father and move him back to his farm in the Hanover area after learning of a restraining order placed on her brother.

Entering the basement, Porter found Roberts’ body. She said the body was covered with a comforter and there was lots of blood visible.

Caleb, Roberts’ son, was lying beside his mother crying.

After discovering that Roberts’ body was cold to the touch, Porter grabbed Caleb, went upstairs and called police.

Porter, who was called as a witness by the Crown, testified that she had little contact with Tremble.

Court has heard Roberts, who was working as a paramedic, regretted her marriage to Tremble and was seeking a divorce, but feared retribution.

No blood was discovered on Tremble’s clothing or shoes, and the murder weapon has never been found.

Tremble has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder. The trial is expected to take another two weeks.