A T-shirt and a booster seat belonging to a missing three year old were found Thursday, but there was no sign of the boy himself.

Kaden Young was last seen early Wednesday morning, shortly after the van his mother was driving plunged into the Grand River in the hamlet of Waldemar, near Grand Valley.

According to police, Young’s mother was able to pull him out of the van, but lost her grip and let go when she was pushed over by the fast-moving water.

Emergency crews searched the river Wednesday, both from ground level and with the use of a helicopter.

The search resumed Thursday, although police said they were moving from a rescue scenario to a recovery option.

“We are over 24 hours. (There is a) very slim chance that the young lad would survive that long in that cold, cold water,” OPP Const. Paul Nancekivell said.

“Our whole goal today is to bring an end to this tragedy and bring some closure to the family.”

Police said they were focused on a 10-to-15-kilometre stretch of the river upstream of the dam at Belwood Lake.

Shortly before 6 p.m., the search ended for the night.

Thorough Waldemar and surrounding communities in Amaranth Township, signs of support for Young and his family sprung up on Thursday.

A donation box was set up at a nearby grocery store by Arletta Hughson, a friend of Young’s mother who said she knows Young as being “always full of smiles, always giving hugs.”

A candlelight vigil was held Thursday evening, near the spot where the van was swept into the river.

With reporting by Nicole Lampa and files from CTV Toronto