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Local businesses applaud Hamilton Bulldogs move to Brantford


A new deal approved by the City of Brantford and the Ontario Hockey League will see the Hamilton Bulldogs temporarily relocate a town over to become the Brantford Bulldogs.

The team will play out of the Civic Centre for at least the next three years, bringing more than just hockey fans to their feet with anticipation for the team's arrival.

Many people who live and work in downtown say the area is getting better, but there is still room to improve, and they say they are hopeful an OHL team will provide a major boost.

“Obviously, there is going to be a lot of foot traffic and exposure to the business, so that's great for the brand,” said Ricky, the manager of Hudson Public in Brantford.

Just a short walk from the Civic Centre, Hudson Public hopes the team will allow more people to re-discover downtown.

“We still see people that come here that haven't been downtown for years, and they are just so surprised, so the more we get more we can get people to come down the more we can rejuvenate businesses,” said Ricky.

The Boston Pizza in Brantford practically sits in the shadow of the Bulldog’s new home, and manager Allana Thomspon said the staff and guests are really excited about the teams move.

“Once we get that exposure and once people see there is so much to do, different restaurants to eat at, but the Bulldogs will be a huge part of that,” Thomspon said.

On Tuesday night, Brantford city council voted unanimously to temporarily bring the OHL team to the city. While it is not permanent, officials said the move can help boost moral across the city.

“It’s a moral boost for any city that gets an OHL team, it’s civic pride,” said Brantford Mayor Kevin Davis,

Adding: “It calls for the team to be here for at least three years, as many as six years, and who knows perhaps even longer.”

Davis said the move also means more economic vitality, more life and more activity.

The Bulldogs organization is looking for a temporary home due to arena renovations expected to last years.

The team's general manager says moving to Brantford is the best possible outcome.

“Personally, I think it’s going to be a home run here. I think Brantford is a hockey market, and I think OHL hockey is going to be here for a long time,” said Matt Turek, general manager of the Hamilton Bulldogs.

The Civic Centre has roughly 3,000 seats.

On Wednesday, the organization’s ticket purchasing website went live, allowing for fans to place a $100 deposit to secure seats for the 2023/2024 season.

“Seat selection will happen in the order that deposits are placed, with priority given to fans who commit to a three-year membership. This means that the earlier you place a deposit, the more likely you will be able to purchase a season membership plan in the location you desire,” the organization said.

More details on how to place a deposit can be found by clicking here. Top Stories

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