Thousands of people brought their lunch to downtown Kitchener on Sunday, hoping to break the Guinness World Record for longest picnic.

Organizers laid 1,100 tables end-to-end on King Street from Francis to Eby, then up and back along Duke Street. The total length of the picnic was 2,282 metres. An estimated 5,000 people showed up for the event.

Anxious picnickers started showing up at 8:30 a.m., but the final measurement wasn’t taken until noon.

The results won’t be released until Guinness officials consult with two independent surveyors, a photographer and videographer. Once all the parties agree, then it becomes official.

However some participants are already calling Kitchener the “unofficial owner of a new World Record.”

The title of longest picnic was set three years ago in Germany, when 4,000 picnickers spread out over 1,979 metres.

The event was organized by the city as part of their 100th anniversary celebration.