The holidays can be difficult for some people at this time of year.

For a single Guelph mother of two, Christmas was on the brink of not happening before a hamper group stepped in.

A Little Relief is a group that provided food donations, including a turkey, so that Breanna Haringa could have a Christmas Eve dinner with her kids.

“The fact that all this stuff came from gracious donors and a lot of it from the women themselves is overwhelming,” Haringa says.

Her daughter, she says, has a physical disability that affects her legs. Her son was recently diagnosed with autism.

The combination has meant that she has not been able to work.

“These families have it so hard off that a lot of them, instead of asking for toys, they ask for things like snow suits and bedding,” explains Cheryl Steffer, co-founder of A Little Relief.

This year, the organization says it has been able to help 20 families in the community.

The organization can be found on its Facebook page.