A male nurse previously employed at a Kitchener nursing home faces multiple sexual assault charges, with more on the way.

Jayson Phillips was fired from Sunnyside Home in November following an investigation by the Region of Waterloo, which owns the facility.

Separately, he faces three criminal charges of sexual assault relating to alleged incidents occurring between 2010 and 2014.

The Crown prosecutor assigned to the case says further charges are expected.

A court-ordered publication ban prevents identification of the three alleged victims in the case, although officials with both the region and Waterloo Regional Police say no residents of Sunnyside are involved.

According to the Colleges of Nurses of Ontario website, Phillips has been a practical nurse for eight years.

The website lists him as able to practice as a nurse with no restrictions, and as an employee of Sunnyside – although Glenn Roach, the Region of Waterloo’s director of employee relations, says Phillips was fired Nov. 17.

In an email, the executive director of the Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario called the allegations against Phillips “disturbing.”

“While abuses like those being alleged are exceedingly rare, they are unacceptable in any part of our health care system and do not reflect an individual’s status as a nurse, but rather a criminal act that needs to be fully investigated,” Dianne Martin said.

None of the allegations against Phillips, 35, have been proven in court.

His lawyer appeared in a Kitchener court on his behalf Thursday, and the case returns there later this month.