As Valentine’s Day approaches, those looking for love wouldn’t think to keep their head up while they’re working out.

For Brittany Hutchings and Isaac Karelse, they had plenty of time to get to know each other while working out together at Goodlife Fitness.

“We didn’t have to look for a common interest when we first started to get to know each other,” said Hutchings.

The two are both trainers at Goodlife and say it’s a popular place to meet new people.

“We've definitely, over the last year, seen an increase of couples that come into the gym together,” said trainer Josh Butt. “You can have your partner hold you accountable to coming into the gym. And then during that tough set it's someone there that can actually talk you through it."

However, even some fitness enthusiasts admit the gym can be intimidating.

"You kind of have to read the people,” said Karelse. “I don't always look approachable when I'm working out but I'm trying to focus."

"it's a friendly place. People don't come in here to always keep their head down,” said Butt. “There's nothing wrong with going over and saying hi or anything like that but you don't want to openly try to pick somebody up."

For Brittany and Isaac, love and lunges was a match.