Marina Liota was spending time with her mom and sister, what she thought was any other ordinary day.

But it didn’t turn out to be just an ordinary day for the trio.

The women were driving down a busy Simcoe street when the unthinkable happened.

“They rolled down their window,” Liota said, talking about the car in front of them, “put their arm out, dropped a kitten to the ground, and took off.”

Liota says there was a truck coming towards them, and it looked like it was going to hit the kitten.

“We slammed on the horn,” Liota says. “I opened the door, jumped out, ran in front of the traffic and grabbed him.”

The first thing they did was take the kitten to the vet. During the trip, Liota kept thinking about what she had seen.

“Disbelief, disgust, and concern are what ran through my mind,” Liota says.

Even though everything happened so fast, Liota was able to get the license plate number on the car, which she handed over to police.

“I really hope that police catch the person and they have to deal with the consequences of their actions,” Liota says.

Liota says she wants to keep the kitten, who her sister named Chance.

“She named him that because he had a second chance at life,” Liota says. “He’s one of the lucky ones that someone was able to stumble upon and save.”