Jamie Rushton stood outside the facility all day Wednesday to let people know that he’s worried about his wife and the other women inside.

The 28-year-old is toting his baby son and waving down cars to bring attention to what’s being going on at Grand Valley Institute for Women.

His wife is an inmate at the facility. She is behind bars because of a drug trafficking conviction.

But allegations women at the facility are being sexually abused has Rushton concerned.

“My stomach turned to know my wife is in here,” says Rushton. “to know she is defenseless and powerless against these men.”

It’s reported, a guard has been suspended. Corrections Canada is conducting an internal review of anonymous complaints made by at least one inmate. This is what Kim Pate, the head of Canada’s Elizabeth Fry Society told CTV on Monday.

“There were concerns being raised that a staff member at Grand Valley Institution, a male staff member had been engaged in sexual activity with one or more women in the prison and the allegations that was in exchange for drugs or tobacco.”

By Tuesday, Waterloo Regional Police were called by Corrections Canada. They are now looking over a report prepared by The C.S.C. to see if there’s any evidence of criminal wrong doing.

In the meantime, Rushton is worried about all the inmates. “That’s why I’m here today. I’m here for everyone else’s wife and mother.”

Police and by-law officers were also contacted by Corrections Canada Security to get Jamie Rushton to leave.

But Rushton was told he was allowed to stay because he’s on public property.

With these latest allegations, the Elizabeth Fry Society is renewing its call for a review of male guards in women’s prisons.

As for Rushton, he says he will continue trying to speak directly with his wife.