Damage is estimated at $450,000 after a barn north of Mount Forest was destroyed by fire.

Crews from three fire stations were called to the fire, which broke out around 7:20 p.m. Monday at the Southgate Road 4 property.

“It was a huge ball of flame in the air,” said Clarence Sarvis, who saw the fire from down the road.

The barn’s owner says he accidentally ignited the fire while using a propane torch inside the structure.

Jason Benn, Wellington North’s fire chief, tells CTV News 22 cattle were killed in the fire, although six horses were able to be saved before firefighters arrived.

The fire, which had fully engulfed the barn by the time firefighters arrived, was contained before it could spread to any nearby buildings.

“There’s not much you can do when a building of that size and nature is fully engulfed with flame,” Benn said.

Cold conditions had firefighters dealing with freezing water lines and slippery laneways, among other challenges.